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Home » Guides » Wheelbase Settings for iRacing
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(Updated for RaceHub 4.0)
Just like a race car, the performance of a wheelbase can depend enormously on its setup. So in this blog post, we’ll go through all the settings and explain everything – and we’ll provide a good default setup for you to do your own experiments with.
This time we’ll use iRacing as an example, but in the future, we’ll also be releasing default setups walkthroughs for other sims. Worth noting that these settings have been developed with an Invicta Wheelbase and the Ferrari GT3 Evo, Dalara LMP 2, Formula 4 and Mustang Supercar. Stay tuned for Forte- and La Prima-specific setups.
Of course, this will be a default setup, and as with pedal settings and button binds on the wheel, everyone will have their own preferences. This setup is made to be a good baseline for most drivers and cars, but we encourage you to experiment with the settings to find your personal setup.
We’ll start out by looking at the settings in our RaceHub software. In the end, we’ll also take a look at the in-game settings for iRacing, as these affect the force feedback signal your wheelbase receives, in turn affecting the feedback you feel in the wheel.
Steering range – 1080°
iRacing has the ability to adjust the steering range depending on which car you drive. Therefore, setting the steering range to 1080° will give iRacing enough range to accommodate all cars.
Bumpstop Hardness – Soft
This controls how hard the wheelbase will stop the wheel when it reaches its maximal steering range. With a steering range of 540°, we recommend a soft bump stop hardness, so you don’t risk losing your grip on the wheel if you have to quickly catch a slide or aggressively turn into a tight hairpin.
Bumpstop Range – 5°
This range can give you extra degrees outside the steering range that will not be input into the game. Based on the same reasoning behind the soft bumpstop hardness, we recommend a range of 5°.
High-Frequency Limit – No limit
This setting controls the frequency of the feedback when going over curbs for example. A higher frequency gives more detail, whereas a lower value can feel smoother. But we’ll set it at no limit to receive the most detailed feedback possible.
Damping – 0%
Turning this setting up reduces the directness of the game’s inputs so the wheel to not feel as ‘sharp’. This can be useful if you feel there’s too much feedback coming through and you can’t distinguish between all the inputs.
Conversely, turning it down puts no limits on the wheelbase. For this particular iRacing setup, we’ll set it to 0% to get as many details out of the game as possible.
Friction – 0%
This can add constant friction to the wheel. It can make particular cars feel more realistic, which may be desired, but for this setup, we’re putting it a 0% once again, as some details can get lost in the constant friction.
Inertia – 3%
Inertia describes how much weight you will feel in the wheel. With a high inertia, force feedback inputs will have a longer tail – so to say – whereas with a lower setting, it will be shorter.
Once again, we’re reducing filtering, but at 3%, it will give a good feel for the weight of the car when cornering.
Cornering Force Assist – 0%
This setting will reduce the force feedback when cornering. And it may seem like something you would never want, but with higher overall force feedback, details can get lost – depending on the sim. So with this turned up, it will slightly reduce the feedback in long sweeping corners, for example, making road details like curbs and bumps clearer but at the cost of the feel for the weight of the car.
For iRacing, we’ll turn it off, as details can still be felt at higher force feedback levels.
Overall Force – 15 Nm
Of all the settings, this is perhaps the one that is most up to personal preference. This controls the overall max force of the feedback, so turning it up will make the feedback stronger. For performance, this will be a balance of getting enough feedback to drive fast but not so much that it will tire you out in longer races. If you are going for maximal realism, however, you’ll need to match it to the car you drive.
15 Nm is a good starting point, and this setup is tested with 15 Nm, so be aware that if you change this, you may also want to adjust the other settings as well.
Torque Behavior Prediction – 1
This setting will help with sims that have a low force feedback rate, predicting what force should be applied between game inputs. iRacing does not feature the highest refresh rate, but setting it too high can take away details and give a rubbery feel. This is why it’s at 1 for this particular setup.
Torque Acceleration Limit – Max
This setting describes how quickly the wheelbase will apply force feedback (also known as slew rate). Lowering it will reduce the rate of acceleration, giving a less pronounced feel for the details of the road, while a higher value will provide more detail and clearer force feedback. Again, we’ll want as much feedback as possible, so we’ll turn it all the way to the max.
That is 9.4 Nm/ms on the Invicta wheelbase, 6.7 Nm/ms on the Forte wheelbase and 4.0 Nm/ms on the La Prima wheelbase.
Anti-Oscillation – 0%
This setting prevents the oscillation that can happen when you take your hands off the wheel. It can be very effective for this, but in the process of detecting and removing oscillation, some details can get lost, especially on straights. This is why it’s set a 0%, but if you need to take your hands off the wheel from time to time, you can, of course, turn it on.
Use Linear Mode – On
When using a direct drive wheelbase like any of the Asetek SimSports wheelbases, this should always be turned on. Having it off will distort the signal, bumping low-end forces and muting high-end ones. If you desire any of these, it should be achieved by changing the settings in RaceHub.
Strength – 6.6
This essentially controls the strength of the force feedback signal. Having it too low will lower the force felt in the wheel, but having it too high can cause clipping. Clipping happens when the force feedback signal is higher than what the wheelbase can put out, and it’s visualized in iRacing when the force feedback meter turns red.
6.6 is a good starting point, but if you experience clipping, you need to turn it down or turn up the Wheel Force setting.
Wheel Force – 15Nm
Just like the steering range, this needs to match the settings in RaceHub. So if you change the value in RaceHub, remember to change this too. As stated, you can also prevent clipping by turning this up, but then you conversely need to also turn it up in RaceHub.
Smoothing, Damping, and Min Force – 0%
We recommend tweaking the wheelbase settings in RaceHub instead of using these settings, as that will give you greater control over the force feedback.
Load Cell Brake – On
Obviously this is not a wheelbase setting, but here is just a friendly reminder to have this turned on if you’re using any of our pedals, La Prima, Forte, or Invicta.