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Update Steering Wheel Firmware

Updated on March 25, 2024

Manual Update of Steering Wheel

This guide will help you manually update your steering wheel, in case the automatic update notification does not show up in RaceHub™.


You must have installed the latest version of RaceHub™, to ensure the latest drivers are installed.

1. Turn off the wheelbase and disconnect the steering wheel from the wheelbase.
2. Open RaceHub™, if not already running.
3. Turn on the wheelbase.
4. Hold down the two uppermost buttons on the steering wheel (see picture below).
5. While holding the two buttons, install the steering wheel onto the wheelbase.
6. A dialog will pop up in RaceHub™, informing you that the steering wheel has been detected in update mode.
7. Press “Update Steering Wheel”.
8. Wait for the update to finish.

The steering wheel now has the latest firmware version, and the automatic update notification should now work.

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